Want to use DANA CICIL?
Scan QR code & request feature access by chatting DIANA in DANA.
Or you can follow these steps:
Access request can only be done in the DANA. Please beware of fraud attempts claiming to be DANA through links or WhatsApp, and never share your PIN or OTP with anyone. DANA’s official WhatsApp is used for one-way communication only.
Selected merchants that can be paid with DANA CICIL
Anywhere, anytime!
DANA CICIL is available for QRIS transactions, DANA features and many other offline and online merchants.
Easy & fast activation!
Activating the feature only takes a few minutes, guaranteed hassle-free.
Drops make the ocean!
You can buy gold with just Rp100.
This feature is supervised by BAPPEBTI, secure guarantee.
Free of admin fees
You can buy gold with just Rp100.
Start from just Rp1
This feature is supervised by BAPPEBTI, secure guarantee.
Let’s transact with DANA #BukanDompetBiasa

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